
  • Sketch out the system architecture.
  • Decide on the tech stack (programming language, frameworks, database).

1. Requirements:

Functional Requirements: What the systems is supposed to do

  • User Profile:
    • Login and Authentication
  • Display a tile of pictures based on the recsys candidates
  • Like/Dislike Images
  • Load a new set of images when user scrolls down
  • Generate new images based on user preferences

Non-functional Requirements:

  • Latency has to be less than 200ms (excluding network latency from users to our servers)
  • Throughput: 1000 queries per second


  • Cost: 10% of expected revenue (min $100)

2. Key Components

  • Data stores:
    • Database to store user information
    • Feature store
  • Clients:
    • Web apps